
Essays are listed below according to the class projects in which they were produced. Bold headings represent class project or section title and in most cases link to an introductory essay.

Baptist Historical Sites in Downtown Birmingham (summer 2019)

Avondale’s Religious Life (fall 2019)

Houses of Worship in Birmingham (fall 2019)

Faces of Christ in Birmingham, Alabama (spring 2020)

Religious Images in Birmingham, Alabama (fall 2020)

Worship in Birmingham, Alabama, in Spring 2021

Great and Small: Ten Religious Sites in Birmingham (fall 2021)

Woodlawn’s Religious Landscape (fall 2022)

Praise Bands, Weekly Communion, and Traditions: Worship in Birmingham, Alabama, (spring 2023)

Saints Honored in Birmingham (fall 2023)

Memorials and the Future (spring 2024)

Reference Maps

These maps were created for Samford students, most of whom are Protestant, to assist them in selecting congregations to visit which are outside their religious tradition.


Updated May 4, 2024